
quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2014

Doces que não precisam ir ao fogo!

Camafeu de nozes

- 1 xícara de nozes trituradas
- 1/2 xícara de doce de leite
- 1 pacote de biscoito triturado
- 400 gramas de chocolate branco para banhar

Modo de fazer:
--------  Misture bem as nozes, o doce de leite e o biscoito triturado. Modele, banhe no chocolate e está pronto!

Um comentário:

  1. Water Hack Burns 2lb of Fat OVERNIGHT

    At least 160 thousand women and men are utilizing a easy and secret "liquids hack" to lose 2 lbs each and every night in their sleep.

    It is effective and it works on anybody.

    You can do it yourself by following these easy steps:

    1) Hold a clear glass and fill it half the way

    2) Now do this weight loss hack

    and you'll be 2 lbs thinner the next day!


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